Friday, January 28, 2011

Nautilus Script Pack - Add Tons of Features to Nautilus (Gnome's Finder)

In Mac OS X, the programme used to act with your files, adorned disks and erect drives, is known as the Finder. In Windows, its known as Explorer. In KE Linux, its either Dolphin Beaver State Conqueror (also letter a web browser), and inwards Gnome Linux, the programme used is Nautilus. In this article, I'll merge talking a bit astir Nautilus Script Pack, which is letter a group of diminished "programs" that reckon users to carry out dozens of single file operations, some (antonym) without deed Nautilus.

The Nautilus Script Pack is letter a free transfer that requires a couple of other programs to merge installed. These new programs (lame, dialog, vorbis-tools, encoder, Audacious, imagemagick, zenith, term, genisoimage, and pdjam), ar - demur for Audacious - command line tools that propose a plenty of functionality, merely little inwards the way of person friendliness Beaver State graphical interfaces.

Now, umpteen of these tools actually spend half decision-making graphical interfaces. LAME is victimized in umpteen mp3 encryption tools. Dialog is letter a tool victimized by new tools to showing information. encoder has umpteen front ends available, and ImageMagick actually includes letter a graphical user interface (called Display), merely its obscure by default. The Nautilus Script Pack attempts to fix easy find to some (antonym) of these tools, aside allowing the person to take the single file he Beaver State she wants to manipulate, so use letter a simple subtend to schoose the wrong (antonym) tool.

What kinds of tools ar available inwards the Nautilus Script Pack? Check prohibited this list:

mount ISO circle images

unwound ISO circle images

create ISO circle images prohibited of letter a folder of documents

play letter a folder increase of sound files and free rein it inwards Audacious

open downwards (antonym) the stream directory, exclusively as plant user

do letter a search inwards whatever reference you're in

set the choose image arsenic your upper side wallpaper

scale the choose image (by percentage)

scale the choose image (by size)

convert images to divergent formats

convert letter a video to letter different formats

extract sound from letter a video file

convert sound files to divergent formats

split letter a file into whatever several parts

encrypt Beaver State decrypt files

move letter a file Beaver State folder to wherever you want

copy letter a file Beaver State folder to wherever you want

completely tear files forever

remove stand-in files (with extensions so much as .old Beaver State .back)

join respective pd files in collaboration in order

create associate degree archive prohibited of letter a folder Beaver State collection of documents

extract associate degree existing archive

install letter a Gnome visible theme

install letter a font

There ar a twain things I very like astir Nautilus Script Pack. First is that engineering enables Maine to spend so more than without having to utter applications. If I get an idea I very like, and would kind to curing as my wallpaper, I don't cause to go to the System Menu, so to Preferences, so to Appearance and in the end to the Background tab. No, some (antonym) I spend is right-click, motility to the scripts menu, so schoose the Set As Wallpaper option. That's it!

I give notice use whatever of the tools enrolled above. Many of them don't want any extra input. Some do, of course, such as the knowledge to each video to divergent formats. Just right-click the telecasting you search to convert, so schoose the Convert Video decision-making from the Media folder. In letter a second, you'll meet a panel seem, interrogatory you which data formatting you'd kind to choose. You give notice convert your telecasting to DVD, MPEG-4, VCD, VCD, Flash Video, XD, iPod Beaver State PSP format... some (antonym) with hardly one to a greater extent click! Simply schoose which data formatting you'd like, run into the "Okay" button, and the right gets going. You don't want to spend anything else.

One to a greater extent benefit to having letter a set of tools kind this is that you give notice pick and schoose which tools you want. I downloaded the Nautilus Script Pack, and when I tested to place the requirements, saved that I already had them installed, demur for two: the Audacious sound player and the pdjam curing of pd touch tools. Well, I didn't very want to custom Audacious to focus to sound (I already promote either VL Beaver State Player), and when I tested to transfer the pdjam tools, saved that engineering would postulate over cfc Megabyte hardly to install! The stallion Nautilus Script Pack, for comparison, is to a lesser degree 10 percentage of digit Megabyte! So, I hardly got cut the unmatched script that victimized pdjam, and cutd the "Play inwards Audacious" script, and I had everything I need. As prison term goes by, I'm for sure I'll end that I don't very need "this" right or "that" script, and if so, I give notice cut them. All the tools I search to custom will tranquil be there, and I don't want to jam with the ones I don't want.

So if you're letter a Gnome Linux user, I would highly propose grabbing yourself letter a copy of the Nautilus Script Pack. It's lean, fasting and user-friendly, and industrial plant really well!

Nautilus Script Pack Download Page

vlc download

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